
Myths About Computers That’s Never Going to Die!

Computers are so common that Myths and urban legends have become a part of it by time. Some myths had gained so much accuracy, but there is no truth out there.

There are myths that work on simple logic. While other myths are based on people who try to make money from it. Windows only have pointless windows optimizing myths. Of course, you don’t require disabling some services or delete your page file. (more…)

outlook issues 3

Common Outlook Issues and their solution

MS outlook is generally used for exchanging the corporate emails and calendaring purpose among others. And MS outlook is coming with great useful features, but sometimes, MS outlook encounters some issue or giving some errors in the functioning due to which sending and receiving emails stops working. Most of the companies have their IT engineers to troubleshoot outlook errors, but there are many common errors which MS outlook gives normally and you can solve it by doing some troubleshooting […]

Data Recovery – Prevents the Loss of Data

While it’s important to know the best tactics for data recovery, preventing the loss of data in the first place is vital. Consumers should engage in some best practices to ensure their data is protected. A first step is to simply handle storage devices carefully. For example, consumers can protect hard drives by handling them carefully, using high-quality surge protection, and managing temperatures and air flow to the computer or external HDD doesn’t overheat. (more…)

How to Replace MacBook Keyboard

Follow these steps carefully and you can easily remove the keyboard of your MacBook Pro. Because to remove the MacBook keyboard you have to take out each and every part of your MacBook.

1. Remove the back case screw, there are 7 small screws and three little big screws. And you must know which screw you are removing and from where. Now slightly remove the back case. (more…)

Most Common Reasons for Solid State Drive Failures

As compared to Hard Drive, Solid State Drive (SSD) is safe from mechanical issues. But it still can fail. Now we will discuss most common factors causing Solid State Drive failure.

The main difference between HDD and SSD is that SSD has no moving parts, which are vulnerable. So SSD is safe from mechanical issues and is very much faster than the normal hard disk drive. But it does not mean that the Solid state drive is flawless. It still […]

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