Steps to Diagnose Computer Problems
Steps to Diagnose Why Computer Won’t Boot
You regularly use the computer and suddenly one day when you start your computer and it won’t boot. You can resolve this issue by performing some troubleshooting. Currently, versions of Windows are superior to resolve this type of issue, while in Windows XP when this type of problems came it stops working completely, updated versions of Windows try to solve startup repair automatically.
Think what did you do last time when you are using the computer, did you install any driver or a new hardware driver, connect a new hard drive or any other hardware device or open the case of your PC and do something? Because it is possible that the driver which you have installed is corrupted or buggy, the hardware device which you have connected is incompatible with your computer, or by mistake unplugged some cable while working inside your PC.
What to do if a Computer Doesn’t Get Power on?
If your computer won’t get power, make sure it’s plugged into a power cable and that power cable connector isn’t loose. And check the PC monitor power cable also if your PC seems to start but your display stays black.
After checking if you find that any of the power cables have an issue, you should change the power cable.
How Can we Recover the Data if Computer Won’t Start?
If you having the important data that will lose if you reinstalling Windows, you can back up your data before reinstalling Windows. With the help of Windows installer Disk, you can back up your data. Windows installer disk runs completely from DVD or bootable USB drive and with the help of these, you can copy your file from another external device storage. Such as USB drive or external hard drive.
If you don’t know how to boot Windows installer disk. Simply, go to the BIOS or UEFI and change the boot order. After booting if your PC stops or freezes or you can’t access the hard disk. You might have the hardware problem. In this situation, you can insert your hard drive in another computer, and recover the data.
What to do if Windows Start and Blue Screen Appear?
If Windows crashes or giving blue screen when you start the computer, it is sure that you must have the software or hardware issue. For an example, your computer is suffering from malware or you have installed a buggy driver which is loading while booting and because of this it forces the Windows to crash. Or maybe your PC hardware stops working or broken.
To check this type of problem run the computer in Safe mode, because in safe mode window won’t load any hardware drivers or application which runs automatically at startup. If your computer is working properly in the safe mode, uninstall the recent driver which you have install last time, or scan for malware or viruses. If your computer has the software issue it will definitely solve this problem by doing this steps.
After doing steps if your computer still crashes or displaying the blue screen, try to reinstall the Windows. If you still facing the same problem than your PC has a hardware issue. Thus, you have to take your computer to computer repair shop.
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