When Should You Require to Format the Computer?
Nowadays many users think that formatting a hard drive will solve their issues on the computer. But formatting a hard drive will erase their data. Most users are confused about whether to format or not. To be true, Formatting is not always required.
Whenever users format their hard drive the hard drive will roll back to the factory defaults. It will delete all data from the computer. all software, program will be deleted and system file will be recreated. Hence, Always be thoughtful when you need to format the hard disk. And if you want to format the computer, First you have to backup your data from the hard drive because later backups will help data recovery much easier. Here we will talk about in which scenario you should format your computer.
Computer won’t Boot
Whenever your computer fails to boot or is continuously stuck in black screen, obviously you can format your computer. But first of all, you try to fix this issue. When you have tried all attempts and the problem is same then formatting is the only solution to get your computer back to its normal form.
Computer Slow and Freezing
If computer surprisingly runs slowly, user format the computer to try to speed up without checking the exact problem. In this scenario, It is possible that you Computer is suffering some software issues instead of hardware problems. So, you can format your computer to keep your computer fast.
OS Updates
Do you know that the outdated operating system is always vulnerable to virus attacks and may contain many potential risks? That’s why it is always necessary to keep your Computer updated. In many updates of the operating system will automatically format the hard drive. So, You should backup the data before Updating the OS.
Hard Drive has not Enough Space
If you are using a Computer for many years, the internal hard drive tends to be cluttered and full. Under this situation, you will find that your hard drive has not enough space to store more data. In this scenario, you should delete the unnecessary files to free up some space. Still, you cannot delete the hidden temporary files that might be taking a lot of space on your hard drive. So, you should format your hard drive to clean this type of files.
Windows Registry Errors
Whenever your PC receive Registry errors. you should format the hard drive immediately to solve this problem. Windows registry is a very important component of PC because it contains many settings and configuration of your OS. Therefore, if your PC crash due to a registry error then a possible data loss situation can occur. Whenever you suffer from these type of errors you should immediately backup your data and then format your PC.
Virus Infection
If your PC was attacked by the viruses then it is also required to format the computer. In this type of case, not only your computer will suffer but the hard drive will also suffer from the virus attack. You can run the antivirus software to kill the viruses, but if not, the safest method is to format the computer.
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